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Are you living with a psychosocial disability and looking for support to achieve your goals? At BlueSky Mind Studio our Recovery Coaches are here to help you find the right supports to build capacity and be more engaged in the community. All of our Recovery Coaches have mental health qualifications and lived experience, and will work with you to identify your goals and plan a pathway to achieve them.

How will a BlueSky Mind Studio Recovery Coach support me?

Your support will be tailored to your individual needs, goals and circumstances, and will include:

Two people sit at a table talking Getting to know you Our Recovery Coaches will meet with you and those important to you to understand your needs
A checklist with three items checked off Understand the NDIS Get the most out of your NDIS plan as we help you better understand available services
Two people stand close together, one has their arm around the other’s shoulders Coaching You will receive strength based coaching to build your motivation, resilience and decision making
Three people are connected by lines, two are using computers and one is reading something from a smartphone Connect you with services We can help you find and connect with services that will support you in achieving your goals

What is Psychosocial Recovery Coaching?

Psychosocial Recovery Coaching is available to individuals living with psychosocial disabilities to access recovery-oriented support coordination services tailored to the unique challenges of mental health recovery. Recovery Coaching will help you make the most of your NDIS funding, working with you to design, plan and implement the use of your funds in line with your personal goals and mental health needs.

If you do not meet the requirements for Psychosocial Recovery Coaching we may still be able to help you to improve your mental health and make plans for your future through our NDIS funded counselling services.

Recovery Coaching and Support Coordination, what’s the difference?

Recovery Coaching, like Support Coordination, belongs to the NDIS ‘Capacity Building’ registration group, and both will assist you to plan how to use your NDIS funding by determining the services that will best assist you meet your goals and connecting you with these services. Unlike Support Coordination, Recovery Coaching specialises in providing support to individuals living with a psychosocial disability, and will help you achieve your plan goals with a recovery-oriented focus that is tailored to support your mental health recovery. Due to the complexities of living with psychosocial disabilities, Psychosocial Recovery Coaching often receives a higher hour allocation than Support Coordination to allow for additional support from your Recovery Coach through any mental health crises.

At BlueSky Mind Studio our Recovery Coaches are trained mental health professionals, or individuals with lived experience of a psychosocial disability, who will get to know you and the people who are important to you. Recovery Coaches help you set your recovery goals, and will provide strength based coaching to build your motivation, resilience and decision making skills.

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How do I apply for Psychosocial Recovery Coaching?

Funding for Psychosocial Recovery Coaching is generally available to NDIS participants with psychosocial support needs. You can choose to have Psychosocial Recovery Coaching added to your NDIS plan under the Capacity Building registration group.

If you are currently receiving Support Coordination but think that Recovery Coaching could be more helpful to your recovery, speak to your Support Coordinator or contact the NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator to discuss how to access Psychosocial Recovery Coaching. Generally you will not be able to receive both Support Coordination and Recovery Coaching in your plan.

Still have questions? Ask us how we can help you